Silvio sabba nude. The tallest zigzag structure built with LEGO® bricks in 30 seconds (one hand) is 30 levels and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 8 January 2019. Silvio sabba nude

 The tallest zigzag structure built with LEGO® bricks in 30 seconds (one hand) is 30 levels and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 8 January 2019Silvio sabba nude  02:20

WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. What. Check out some of the coolest and quirkiest roof tile world records and videos. - must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria - must follow form of current world record holder - must provide video evidence. Fastest Time To Deal Out A Deck Of Cards With Five Coins Stacked Atop The Deck Suresh Gaur. . Most hammer flips in one minute If he continues to grow like this he will become very strong. 7 days ago. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors. 123K views, 848 likes, 28 loves, 108 comments, 100 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Guinness World Records: The highest standing jump onto a balance board is 1. 21 August 2012. Italy's most prolific record-breaker Silvio Sabba uses his focus, strength and determination in this feat of bottle balancing brilliance. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record. 5-kilogram (155 lb. Together with their partners, they aimed to beat the 28 roll towers previously built by Silvio Sabba and his record partner, Roberto. In support of her daughter Latifa, who proudly wear an odd chromosome in a shape of a sock, Meera Al Hosani created the campaign “My name is Latifa” to spread awareness about Down Syndrome. Italy (Pioltello,Milan) When. Record Setter walked on a row of 26 bottles in one minute, 22. Andrea Pallini performed 10 one-leg squats with his arms crossed on his chest. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors. quando torni dal Viridea e sei innervosito perché devi trasportare “un bosco” 🤷‍♂️@cristian_sabba_official. Tallest Domino Tower Stepped On To Perform A Pistol Squat Silvio Sabba. silvio sabba. The tallest zigzag structure built with LEGO® bricks in 30 seconds (one hand) is 30 levels and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 8 January 2019. 13 seconds. . Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Meet Silvio Sabba — the Italian man who pulled on the maximum number of underpants in 30 seconds – 13 to be precise. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower [], a featured festival attraction. Join Facebook to connect with Silvio Sabba and others you may know. The Most squats on two balance boards in one minute is 21, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 2 February 2017. Check out some of the coolest and quirkiest execise world records and videos. (You will need to register / login for. sabba):. The tallest toilet paper tower built in 30 seconds (team of 2) is 28, and was achieved by Silvio Sabba and Roberto Costantini (both Italy), in Pioltello, Italy, on 10 June 2015. The tallest zigzag structure built with LEGO® bricks in 30 seconds (one hand) is 30 levels and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 8 January 2019. 34 seconds while holding a 3. 45 seconds and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 24 March 2019. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Subscribe. 21 seconds. 65 seconds, achieved by Silvio Sabba and Simone Modugno (both Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 27 February 2017. Lay out five straws on the floor to make a pentagon shape. Fastest Time To Set Up A Domino Chain Silvio Sabba. What. Until now, the record-holders for the highest stack of M&Ms, topping off at a whopping four stacked M&Ms, were Brendan Kelbi from Australia and Silvio Sabba from Italy, per Food & Wine. 399 views, 13 likes, 1 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Silvio Sabba: Verso il podio di TU SI QUE VALES 2021 @tusiquevales_itJoin Facebook to connect with Silvio Sabba and others you may know. 01 seconds and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 29 May 2013. A British civil engineer is now the owner of a new Guinness World record for the most M&M’s stacked on top of each other, and he is issuing a challenge to anyone who thinks that they can top him. Only touching one roll at a time is prohibited. Silvio Sabba performed 19 pistol squats on a balance board in one minute. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY AND FREQUENTLY, AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Logan M. It is high time you put those stocked-up and unused tissue paper rolls to better use. 6. 27 pounds) barbell. When. The only rule, according to Shortlist, is that you must only touch one roll at a time. The longest line of M&M's pretzel candies lined up in 30 seconds is 42 M&M's, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 22 March 2013. Impress your friends by breaking or inventing your own stepped world records on Recordsetter. In addition of being in the same book than Most-Socks-Put-On-A-Foot-in-One-Minute (Silvio Sabba from Italy) and The-Fastest-Ice-Cream-Scooper (Mitch Cohen, from Flushing, Queens), J. This was equalled by Rocco Mercurio (Italy) in Villa San Giovanni, Reggio Calabria, Italy, on 25 February 2019. “The previous record for the highest standing jump was held by Silvio Sabba of Italy. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. The fastest time to build a 6 level LEGO® pyramid is 14. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. The duo set achieved the feat at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival in George, Washington. About. 49 seconds, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 26 March 2017. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower [], a featured festival attraction. Earlier, Silvio Sabba managed to jump into a pair of underwear 14 times in 30 seconds. Boaz Ombori (Mpesa balance) See Photos. You can. He died at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. 2. Libby Trickett put on 16 pairs of underpants in 30 seconds. This record was broken on the Guinness World Record Challengers. Fastest Time To Stack Four AA BatteriesDienstag, 8. Rules. The most side to side hops in 30 seconds (online) is 125 and was achieved by Cristian Sabba (Italy) as part of #GWRchallenges in Milan, Italy, on 29 April 2020. 世界最速で「パンツを穿く男」がこちらです. Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball 588 times on alternating sides of a DVD. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. Asha Leo is stacking the cash with a steady hand - can she beat the current record of 69 held by Italy's Silvio Sabba? Your encouragement is welcome in the comments. The tallest toilet paper tower in 30 seconds is 28 rolls, achieved by Silvio Sabba. com. SET A RECORD! Explore Records Log in / Sign Up PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY AND FREQUENTLY, AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND. Most straws in a mouth The most clothes pegs clipped to the face in one. Where. 62 pounds) barbell while. Zion achieved the record for the fastest 20m walking on hands on 15 February 2021 at his former high school gym in Massillon, Ohio, USA, with a super speedy time of 4. Share. . Record Setter performed eight pistol squats on an Indo Board in one minute. Anyone wishing to win a World Record could. 00:19. Sabba balanced 247 CDs on a single finger in Milan, Italy. Record Setter jumped a height of 114 inches, landing in broken glass. The most pencils stood on end in one minute is 55, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 7 June 2012. SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. 1,275 likes · 1 talking about this. Cristian is the son of serial record breaker Silvio Sabba and his attempt was part of #GWRchallenges. 39 second(s) Where Italy When 07 November 2013. Januar 2019. Where. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. The previous record was 21, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in 2019. Share. SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. What 48 total number Where Italy (Pioltello ,Milan) When 19 March 2012. That was the tallest stack ever when Silvio Sabba had his achievement certified in December 2016. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker. What 44 total number Where Italien When Freitag, 11. He is five years old. Oto lista 24 najdziwniejszych rekordów Guinnessa w historii. Italy (Pioltello) When. Most Pistol Squats On A Scaffold In 30 Seconds Silvio SabbaSilvio Sabba first set the record in 2016 by stacking 4 M&Ms. However, with record breaking in the family genes, we may one day see Cristian challenging his father’s own records as the next generation of serial. The most coffee beans moved with chopsticks in one minute is 48, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 10 August 2017. "Before I knew it, I had crossed the finish line! A rush of euphoria surged through my body as the official timer called out 4. The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. This record was broken on the Guinness World Record Challengers site (Challengers' tag: silvio. 12 m (3 ft 8 in) and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Italy, on 23 December 2019. Silvio Sabba stacked 13 dominoes in a tower while balancing on a balance board. When. Join Facebook to connect with Silvio Sabba and others you may know. The previous world record holder, Silvio Sabba, frequently included on world record lists, completed 28 rolls in 30 seconds. Rules. 65 seconds, achieved by Silvio Sabba and Simone Modugno (both Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 27 February 2017. 56 seconds. Milan, Italy / October 11, 2013. 07 in), achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 04 September 2017. For a full list of record titles, please. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker. 07 March 2019. You can easily beat this record by using 29 rolls in 30 seconds. 00:34. Sign up to receive news updates. One of Rush’s frequent direct competitors is Silvio Sabba, a gym owner from just outside Milan and the man who currently holds the most Guinness World Records: 193. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. William Cannon performed a wall sit for three minutes, 45. Silvio Sabba - Guinness World Record holder - Official Youtube channelmost dominoes stacked in one minute is 73 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Italy, on 14 July 2018. 07 June 2012. #2: Tallest Toilet Paper Tower in 30 Seconds—28 Rolls. This record was attempted at New Fitness Point Gym. 's Will Cutbill stacked five in. 1. 10 June 2015. Lisa Bay and Mike MacPherson completed 17 leap frogs in a shower in 30 seconds. 4M subscribers. 21 seconds. Cristian is the son of serial record breaker Silvio Sabba and his attempt was part of #GWRchallenges. Where. It may be some time before anybody else reaches the 200-record-title club currently occupied by Silvio Sabba and Ashrita Furman. 11 December 2012. 5 (UPI) -- An Italian man put on more than a dozen pairs of underwear with record-breaking speed. Silvio Sabba stacked 10 rolls of toilet papers in 2. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. August 2017. ”. Silvio Sabba (Italy) made the tallest stack of 13 shoes in a minute. 136K views 2 years ago #WorldRecords #GWR #GuinnessWorldRecords. He successfully clipped 51 clothes pegs in one minute. Most Leap Frogs In A Shower In 30 Seconds Lisa Bay and Mike MacPherson. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. The Republic of North Macedonia (Strumica) When. The most LEGO® bricks added to a base plate in 30 seconds is 140, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 5 December 2018. Where. Might be a good challenge for any of the. The most eggs held in one hand is 27 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 19 May 2013. 07 June 2012. When. firmenjubilÄen & feiern. Subscribe. Milan, Italy / April 10, 2013. Record Setter performed 13 squats on an Indo Board in one minute while lifting a 60-kilogram (132. The most LEGO® bricks added to a base plate in 30 seconds is 140, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 5 December 2018. Where. com. Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2023 Messages in Hindi, Images and Wishes: Subho Lokkhi Puja Greetings, Wallpapers and Maa Lakshmi Photos To Send on Kojagiri Purnima. The title came to light in December 2016 when Italy’s Silvio Sabba managed to balance four M&M's on top of each other. Technically I think they have dropped the “Mr. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Source: guinnessworldrecords. 18 December 2012. Meet Silvio Sabba — the Italian man who pulled on the maximum number of underpants in 30 seconds – 13 to be precise. Record Setter attached 51 clothespins to his face in one minute. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker. [#SMF01] [] Check out some of the coolest and quirkiest leapfrog world records. In November 2020, Brendan equaled Silvio’s total, laying joint claim to the record title. SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. Record Setter stood on one foot on top of a 36-storey Jenga tower for one minute, 17. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. Lisa Bay and Mike MacPherson completed 17 leap frogs in a shower in 30 seconds. 一度認められ. 01:36. SET A RECORD! Explore Records Log in / Sign Up PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY AND FREQUENTLY, AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Videos. Italy (Pioltello) When. 6 seconds) and the highest. However, with record breaking in the family genes, we may one day see Cristian challenging his father’s own records as the next generation of serial record breakers start their quests for greatness. How long would it take you? (Give an estimate) 1 minute. . The father and son duo have previously set a record together as part of the team who achieved the fastest time to set up and topple a set of dominoes (28) - team. Fastest time to stack two 20 brick right angle LEGO® towers (simultaneous hands) is 30. The record was first set in 2016, with four M&M’s® stacked by serial record breaker Silvio Sabba of Italy. 59 seconds and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Strumica, Macedonia (FYROM), on 7 August 2019. To qualify, Silvio had to attach the pegs to his own face. 5 (UPI) -- An Italian man put on more than a dozen pairs of underwear with record-breaking speed. The most dice stacked using chopsticks in one minute is 44 and was achieved by Silvio. 34 seconds, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Strumica, Macedonia (FYROM), on 7 December 2016. SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. Sabba did not balance the CDs on an upward-pointing finger as if trying to spin a basketball to break. Personal Balance and Fitness Trainer. See Photos. Sabbath Sylvio Aloysius Luangco. それがご存じ、ギネス世界記録だ。. The tallest LEGO® criss cross tower built in 30 seconds by a team of two (one hand) is 41 and was achieved by Julijana Jankovska (Macedonia) and Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Milan, Italy, on 16 June 2020. Most Pistol Squats On A Scaffold In 30 Seconds Silvio SabbaA podcast about the world of sport. The fastest time to place 24 cans in a fridge is 5. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 75 in), and was. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. On July 12, 2015, Silvio Sabba found a use for 247 of those old, thin, shiny holders of information and music rendered obsolete by the arrival of streaming. Silvio Sabba performed a pistol squat on top of a column of 55 coins. Silvio Sabba held a Yoga Tree pose on a balance board for two minutes, 24. If Stich wants to set his sights on yet more poker world records, he could aim for the most chips stacked in one minute, which currently stands at 75, held by Italian serial record breaker, Silvio Sabba. Oktober 2013. 96 in), and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 21 August 2018. In November 2020, 22-year-old Brendan Kelbie, a serial record breaker. This record was broken on the Guinness World Record Challengers site (Challengers' tag: silvio. 04 centimeters in height using just one leg. January 1, 2002 - Present. SET A RECORD! Explore Records Log in / Sign Up PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY AND FREQUENTLY, AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Tallest Dice Tower Stacked On Top Of A Mini-Bic Lighter Held In Hand Maximiliano Pugliese. Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Table Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A DVD Brian Pankey. He also broke the record for the fastest time to drink one litre of. Record Setter jumped onto a step 100. Where. The longest line of M&M's pretzel candies lined up in 30 seconds is 42 M&M's, achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 22 March 2013. 45 seconds and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 24 March 2019. Why? Because each of us is an egg, a unique soul enclosed in a fragile egg. Milan, Italy / May 3, 2012. 2015年7月12日,Silvio Sabba在意大利创造了用手指平衡247张CD的记录。 “如果你的计划是用手指指向上方平衡CD,就像是旋转篮球那样,这可能很难。我之前的练习一直是转动它们,但没能成功。不过我发现了另外一种可以创造纪录的方法。SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. The record of four M&M's had been jointly held by Silvio Sabba of Italy and Brendan Kelbie of Australia before the record-keeping organization verified Cutbill's video and issued him a certificate. When. Oktober 2013. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. - must perform single leg pistol squats - must provide video evidenceMilan, Italy / December 1, 2015 . For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. Advertisement. The highest standing jump onto a bed of nails is 1. Lee Redmond - Longest Fingernails Ever. 00:35. (You will need to register / login for access)Roberto Costantini, Silvio Sabba. People named Silvio Sgobba. Sign Up. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. 14 Seconds. Silvio Sabba. Both Silvio Sabba and Rocco Mercurio are serial record breakers. June 5 (UPI) --An Idaho man with more than 250 Guinness World Records to his name attempted to add another title by passing an 80-pound weight from hand to hand 100 times in 21 seconds. Silvio Sabba. 25 seconds, achieved by Silvio Sabba and Stefano Mariani (both Italy), in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 04 June 2018. See Photos. The most plastic bottle caps stacked into a tower in 30 seconds is 30 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 11 January 2018. His record stood until the U. #2: Tallest Toilet Paper Tower in 30 Seconds—28 Rolls. Saab Silvi, saabsilvi . 37 m / 45 ft × 12 ft 3 in × 4 ft 6 in, and weighs 10 tons, setting the world record for the World's Largest Clothespin, according to the WORLD. Silvio Sabba, Julijana Jankovska. 617 seconds. Sabba began the challenge, of course, wearing a single pair of underwear and then managed to hop into 13 more…Record Setter jumped a height of 72. Record Setter stuck 55 Post-it notes to his face in one minute. 73 m × 1. Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2023 Messages in Hindi, Images and Wishes: Subho Lokkhi Puja Greetings, Wallpapers and Maa Lakshmi Photos To Send on Kojagiri Purnima. Back in December of 2016, Silvio Sabba achieved the record of stacking four of the candy-shelled chocolate treats (via Food & Wine). com. Adding some dose of irony. ⚡️ "I like to do sport stacking and when I was looking at the records for the sport, I found this one," Nate said. The most side to side hops in 30 seconds (online) is 125 and was achieved by Cristian Sabba (Italy) as part of #GWRchallenges in Milan, Italy, on 29 April 2020. Tallest toilet paper tower in 30 seconds. The most golf balls held in one hand is 27, achieved by Silvo Sabba (Italy), in Pioltello, Italy, on 16 October 2012. 04:16. rekorde rekorddatenbank durchsuchen . 78 seconds!" - Zion Clark. He’s pictured above showing the pegs over his face. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker. Because in my mind, the modeling industry was young women being paraded in front of men getting. Find your friends on Facebook. Cutbill’s claim-to-fame only required a tiny amount of sweets. 10. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker, he achieved this record with Simone Modugno at the New Fitness Point Gym. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors. as part of the Guinness World Welsh celebration of spring’s arrival. Record Setter jumped a height of 105 inches, landing in broken glass. Silvio Sabba balanced himself on top of two balance boards for 14 minutes, 7. Irfan said the highest standing jump he did carrying a 60 Ib pack was 96 cm (3 ft 1. What 16. Karnataka Rajyotsava 2023 Wishes and Greetings: WhatsApp Messages, HD Wallpapers, Quotes and Status To Share on Karnataka Formation Day. The most clothes pegs clipped to the face in one minute is 51 pegs, achieved by Silvio Sabba, in Pioltello, Italy, on December 27, 2012. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. 1,162 59. Personal trainer Silvio also holds the record for building the world’s highest toilet roll tower – stacking up 28. Suresh Gaur dealt out a deck of cards with five coins stacked atop the deck in one minute, 26. Among his many achievements, Silvio has broken records for most eggs held in the hand (palm down) (8) and most underpants pulled on in 30 seconds (16) (though this record has now been broken); as well as more physical challenges such as most jump squats in one minute (male) (62), highest standing jump (one leg) (1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States--"The Clothespin" sculpture is a weathering steel sculpture by Claes Oldenburg, located at Center Square, 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, United States; the sculpture is 45 feet tall (14 m × 3. zum brechen eines rekordes bewerben. 07 March 2019. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt man. Silvio Sabba. Silvio Sabba. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker. Meet Silvio Sabba once more. Records 2021 book launch. 346 m / 4 ft 5 in) and most squats on a balance board carrying a 100 lb pack in. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately. Read all the Latest Buzz News here. Silvio had been pressuring me to take over Elite for like nine months. The title came to light in December 2016 when Italy’s Silvio Sabba managed to balance four M&M's on top of each other. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors. Records change on a daily basis and are not immediately published online. YouTube. Record Setter and his friend leapfrog over each other 30 times in 30 seconds. 07 in), achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 04 September 2017. For a full list of record titles, please. A 23-year-old British engineer set the Guinness World Record for stacking five (yes, the record is only five) M&Ms on top of each other. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. Italy () When. Silvio Sgobbi. Interesting facts about Pisa. 6 seconds and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy), in Rodano, Italy, on 1 October 2018. The tallest paper cup tower in 30 seconds is 84 cm (33. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. The latest tweets from @silvisaab_We just got a Nude Leaked video of Saabsilvi – hot naked…. It may be some time before anybody else reaches the 200-record-title club currently occupied by Silvio Sabba and Ashrita Furman. Both Silvio Sabba and Rocco Mercurio are serial record breakers. 16. Record Setter performed five pistol squats on five cleavers. Read all the Latest Buzz News here. Oct. Log In. The most dominoes stacked in 30 seconds is 48 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 28 April 2013. Sabba holds over 200 Guinness World Records, some we’ll highlight below. Apparently, stacking M&M's — the candy that promises to melt in your mouth and not in your hands — has become all the rage in recent months. sabba):. Find your friends on Facebook. SilvioSabba1 set this world record with RecordSetter, a video network featuring the best in human achievement. Tallest toilet paper tower in 30 seconds. If you can clip 52 clothes pegs on your face, you can break Silvio Sabba’s eight years. Record Setter balanced a tower of 255 CDs on his finger. . Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt man. This record was broken on the Guinness World Record Challengers. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on X (Opens in new window) The fastest time to stack 10 toilet paper rolls (one hand) is 5. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors. Record Holder: Christopher Irmscher;To be precise, Pavol Durdik from Slovakia, holds the record having set it in 2017. The fastest coin stacker in the world is Phil Lester, who stacked 25 coins in 31. Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On An AA Battery Pavol Durdik. What 28 total number Where Italien When Dienstag, 1. The most eggs held in one hand is 27 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Pioltello, Milan, Italy, on 19 May 2013. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. 8 days ago. Record Setter walked 350 centimeters barefoot through broken glass while lifting a 200-kilogram barbell. 64 seconds. Categories Food Tags Boiled eggs, Facts, Food, Fun, Interesting. Subscribe. Silvio Sabba performed 11 pistol squats on top of a person. According to Guinness World Records, the most socks put on one foot in 30 seconds is 28, achieved by Pavol Durdik (Slovakia) in Púchov, Slovakia, on 10 October 2017. Each of us is confronting a high wall. See Photos. See Photos. Sabba, who hails from Rodano in Milan, is a prolific record breaker. Record Setter performed a pistol squat on top of a column of 13 dominoes. 78 seconds . The most plastic bottle caps stacked into a tower in 30 seconds is 30 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 11 January 2018.